What would your life be like with less stress?

Have you ever had the experience of walking into a room and suddenly having to do something you weren’t prepared to do at all, and finding that it just came so easily… and naturally… and with so much flow.. that you were instantly in the zone?

Where no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t make a mistake, and everything went perfectly?

We all have some activity that’s like that for us, whether it’s cooking, or tennis, or even just driving – something that we don’t have to think about, where the next move just rolls out of us easily, naturally, and in a completely instinctive way.

These are the gifts that hypnosis gave me, and the same I hope to be able to share with you too – the experience of being just so absolutely, utterly relaxed – almost euphoric – that all of your cares and concerns just melt away like snowflakes on the sidewalk… and before you know it, the answers to problems you’ve been worrying about just come popping up, one after another, like bubbles in a carbonated drink.

The experience of these techniques still rank among my life’s greatest “eurekas” for this very reason – when it comes to stress and anxiety, or feeling “stuck”, often the solution isn’t hard at all, but actually easy  – no effort… no straining… just relaxing enough to let the answers and solutions to rise to the surface from inside yourself!

I look forward to helping you discover these things and more, whatever your life’s challenges might be.


  • Stress Relief / Anxiety
  • Getting “Unstuck”
  • Focus / Success Mindset