It’s pretty normal for people to think of a “genius” as a special type of person with an extraordinary mind (like Albert Einstein) but actually a genius isn’t something some people are, it’s something everyone has.

Two thousand years ago in ancient Rome, the idea existed that certain places (waterfalls, tree groves, etc) were protected by the genus locii, or spirit of the place – so deep was this belief that every important location seemed to have one, from the public baths to the gladiator’s arena.

Over time, the belief evolved to included private homes, families, and finally people, so that that any person could be said to have their own “genius” –  a sort of guardian angel who guided and inspired them to fulfill their own highest purpose, protecting them from misfortune and delighting in their successes.

Based on my own experience as a hypnotist, I truly believe at this point that not only is the “genius” completely real, but that it is much easier to get in touch with than people generally realize.

So when I hypnotize a client, I’m not doing anything more than dropping them beneath the layer of mental chatter, static and confusion that normally hides their “inner genius” from view. Once they establish contact with this part of themselves, they almost always discover that they  already have to the answers to all of their own questions.

I don’t need to solve people’s problems for them – I don’t even believe that’s possible.

Instead, I guide them to a state where they can experience the joy of tapping into their own deep wisdom and the eureka of solving their problems for themselves.


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